Welcome to
Lockyer Valley Medical Centre
F A M I L Y - S K I N
Nestled in Gatton, Queensland, Lockyer Valley Medical Centre offers compassionate healthcare in a comforting environment. Our experienced team provides personalized medical consultation and diagnosis, prioritizing your well-being throughout your journey.
Beyond medical expertise, we build lasting relationships with our patients, fostering trust and empathy. Amidst Gatton's serene surroundings, our centre serves as a refuge where you can find solace and reassurance. Lockyer Valley Medical Centre is where compassionate care meets clinical excellence, dedicated to putting your health first. Welcome to a place where you're valued as part of our community.
Lockyer Valley Medical Centre clinic provides the following medical services:
Men’s and womens health
Children’s Health
Chronic Disease Management
Skin Checks and Minor Procedures
Diabetes Management
Family Medicine
Health Assessments and Care Plans
Immunisation and Vaccinations
Mental Health Care support
Sports Medicine
Musculo-skeletal medicine
Obstetrics & ante natal health care
Refugee Health
Urological Disease
Cardiovascular Disease
ECG, Spirometry, 24 hour Holter Monitoring
Nurses - 2 x RN to provide support to our patients and doctors
Contact us.
Contact us today by filling out our online form or sending us an email. Our team at Lockyer Valley Medical Centre is here to address any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you and providing the assistance you need.
Address: 131 Spencer Street Gatton 4343
Surgery Hours: Monday – Friday 8.00am-5.00pm
Tel: 07 5462 1188
Email: reception@lvmc.com.au